Justice for BaKari

A Son to Us, A Friend to the World

A Message from Jill Henderson, BaKari’s Mother

On July 7, 2017, my son Bakari was brutally attacked, beaten and murdered by a group of men in Greece.

Since BaKari’s death, we have been working to ensure all the people involved receive the punishment they deserve for taking the life of such a gifted young man.

The men have been tried and convicted in court twice after having their charges inexplicably reduced to simple assault. But I and my family remain undeterred as we continue to fight for justice for our beloved son.

We are awaiting a decision by the Greek Supreme Court to put these men on trial again for murder. Anything less would be an afront to the life and legacy of such a promising young man taken from this world too soon, to every American citizen, and to all people of color who many times suffer injustice far greater than others.



BaKari Henderson at The University of Arizona, 2017


Please sign our petition to put pressure on U.S. federal officials to compel the Greek government to prosecute our son’s killers for murder.




On a Mission from the Start

Even from an early age, we knew BaKari would be destined for greatness. He had such a strong will and vivid imagination for the things he wanted to accomplish in life. 

From Cowboy to Entrepreneur

Like a lot of children, Bakari was fascinated with being a cowboy. But as he grew, so did his ambitions.

Overcomer to Over Achiever

BaKari was diagnosed with Dyslexia at an early age. Despite this challenge, he would graduate from high school with honors and go on to attend the University of Arizona on a full academic scholarship. He was selected to intern for the Texas Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Texas State Tenant. 

No Excuses

BaKari was steadfast in his belief that he could do whatever he set his mind to do. During college, he worked and saved up money so that he could travel and see the world. He was able to visit 13 countries before his death.

A Dream Deferred

After graduating from the University of Arizona with a degree in Business Finance and Entrepreurship from Eller College o Management, BaKari started his own fashion apparel brand and traveled with his friends to Zakynthos, Greece, for a photography shoot when he was brutally beaten and murdered by a group of men.

To date, none of those involved have been brought to justice for BaKari’s murder.